NextBee Customer Advocacy Program Drives Customer Engagement on Social Media
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • In a recent press release on the Customer Advocacy Program for customer engagement, NextBee brought out its benefits in detail. It explains how people can enjoy benefits with customer advocacy solutions for small and large businesses. Tap social media to employ brand advocates who converse, promote, and attract customers on behalf of brands. 

    The press release highlighted NextBee’s unique PACE methodology, based on the best practices to give brands more opportunities to build personal relations with customers, and the ability to adapt to the changing needs of the program and customers. 

    The methodology has an emphasis on offering full control over your program despite the flexibility it provides. Your program stays exciting all the time. PACE stands for; Personal, Adaptive, Controlled, Exciting. It pretty much sums up how the PACE methodology offers you highly potent customer advocacy solutions.

    NextBee’s Customer Advocacy Program

    NextBee’s customer advocacy program is a sure shot way to increase your brand following and generate greater customer engagement. Many brands have successfully converted their loyal customers into active brand advocates. All brands have the same opportunity by making a powerful impact through a PACE-powered customer advocacy program, offered by NextBee.

    Happy customers hold the most excellent possibility to be your brand advocates. The program lets you spot your most active customers and employs them as your brand advocates by motivating them through exciting rewards.

    These rewards produce more participation in your plan. You are more likely to see your customers liking, retweeting, sharing your updates, and inspiring others, thereby spreading awareness on your behalf.

    The program also lets you create exciting contests and games that bring an increased level of participation from users and keep them engaged for a long time. The longer they stay with you, the more opportunities you have to make them purchase frequently. The idea is to create a large number of sharable activities that inspire customers to act repeatedly and build engagement over a while.

    Customer Engagement on Social media

    Besides, on-site widgets allow users to share your updates on products and offers through almost any social media website. It becomes easier for customers to share the activities they enjoy with their friends and family. When they share your brand, you gain an increase of attention among networks you could never reach before. It builds your foundation for success.

    However, to create a program that gets you results more quickly, sharing is not the only action that should be required. The ability to make changes to the program as it progresses makes NextBee’s program one of the best customer advocacy solutions available. You can easily adjust rewards according to the changing needs of the customers at different stages. It brings you in line with your customers’ expectations and makes it easier for you to deliver the same. 


    As a brand, you need to have a holistic view of every activity of your customers. The program gives valuable insights to customer activity, letting you create segments of users and channel sales.

    You have nearly every aspect of the program under your control. Stay alert, evaluate your customers’ preferences and activity at different stages of the program, and you are already on your way to creating massive awareness through a perfectly tailored customer advocacy program.

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