Develop a Positive Reviews Sharing Culture with CX360 by NextBee
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • Customers have the tendency to seek suggestions before trying something new. Infact, over 99.9% of customers read reviews when they shop online whereas 96% look for negative reviews specifically

    Most customer loyalty programs fail as businesses fail to develop enough touchpoints throughout the customer lifetime, leading to dissatisfaction. There is no dearth of competitors. And, they switch. 

    This is why there is no room for errors. 

    Offering great customer experience (CX) is vital to your business’ survival. 

    We are not making this up. 

    Businesses with CX at the center of their efforts witnessed revenue growth of 17% over five years. Those that didn’t, saw only 3% growth

    The difference is remarkable! So, CX is not a hype.

    We understand not every business has the skills and resources to provide exceptional customer experience, but that does not mean they don’t have an opportunity to nurture repeat and loyal customers. 

    CX360 by NextBee is an excellent customer loyalty platform that not only drives customer loyalty but also helps boost positive online presence. It turns your existing customers into evangelists. 

    How NextBee’s CX360 Boost Customer Loyalty?

    Our customer loyalty management solution captures customer testimonials and drives user-generated content to develop a positive brand image and inspire trust among users. 

    Sharing reviews is easy. Customers can quickly share their reviews of a product with the click of a button. Positive reviews by genuine customers on popular social media platforms eliminate user inhibitions. New users are more likely to try a product when the feedback comes from peers, friends, and family.

    Besides, your existing customers feel valued. There can be no better reward that this.

    Why would Customers Make the Effort?

    Obviously, your customers have to be happy. The success of your business banks on them. They are likely to share a testimonial or write a positive review only when they are satisfied. What you can do is leverage your happy customers and motivate them to jumpstart inbound feedback activity. 

    This may sound tough. Luckily, you don’t have to make pretzel-like efforts, manually. CX360 by NextBee offers a customer loyalty rewards system that rewards your loyal customers with points and gifts for sharing reviews on social platforms. 

    Using our proprietary customer loyalty solution, you can even start a limited-time contest, asking your customers to share their photograph upon check-ins or with the product purchased. 

    Who manages Reward Fulfillment?

    NextBee does. CX360 supports nearly unlimited reward options. Using intelligent analytics, you will gain access to rich actionable data that reveals engagement patterns. You will be able to identify what your customers like and how they interact with your brand. This offers you the opportunity to personalize rewards. Based on your customers’ preferences, you can offer reward points, cash, gift cards, and even physical items. NextBee will handle end-to-end rewards fulfillment. 

    Recommendations from a friend inspire trust, leading to a purchase. Our customer feedback platform is designed to create excitement around feedback and reviews sharing activities.  

    Flexible pricing structure makes CX360 the go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. Schedule a demo now to see how we can customize our solution entirely around your business needs.

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