Ways To Improve Learning Outcomes By Smart Insights Technology
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • It is observed that changes are rarely welcomed. But changes such as; change in vision, strategies, instructional methods, and materials are all needed either for growth or industry changes. 

    It’s quite common for people to like the status quo and not want the apple cart overturned unless they understand how it will benefit them. 

    For a long, we have seen how educational experience can create an atmosphere ripe for improving achievement if promoted and appropriately engaged. 

    The question arises, how do you engage and streamline the process to improve outcomes? The answer is by creating an engagement system that drives buy-in and participation. 

    Doing so means you not only provide great experiences but cultivate new ideas and employees in a high ROI yielding manner. Training Improves Retention Rates, Customer Satisfaction & Promotes New Product Ideas.

    Some of the best ideas for improving learning outcomes with the help of NextBee’s exclusively AI-driven engagement platform are:

    It makes your campaign runs faster and gives good results

    Employee retention through leaderboards, badges, and recognition program

    Hold specific rewards for employees who pass certain work deadlines. It is an easier way to increase engagement

    Let us delve deeper into how this can further grow your business and help employees being more productive.


    Encourage feedback, participation, and nurture the creation of powerful ideas from team members. They have inside knowledge and understanding of your business. 

    Engage teams with surveys and competitions, and then using their input, you can transform outdated practices and processes. 

    And, always remember to reward them for taking the time to tell you what they think and openly thank/credit them for their suggestions via social shout outs. It creates a feeling of ownership and investment in the company and the vision. 


    Continuously re-evaluate your learning program, it’s engagement, and the best rewards for your users. As mentioned above, periodically survey users to ensure you are meeting their training wants and needs. 

    Then combine those answers with the data from your system to analyze things such as what activities are engaging them, when they are engaging, what rewards are motivating them, etc. 

    Once you have compiled everything, you can tweak activities, reward triggers, implement user-suggested rewards, build more robust engagement, loyalty, and boost productivity


    Every department should have a vision statement that promotes the growth plan for that department, and then it should be tied back to your company’s overall mission statement. 

    Each department’s vision should describe why it is essential to achieve the corporate mission statement and explain how it is looking to the future for its employees and the company. 

    It should portray what the company will achieve if it becomes successful in achieving its goals. Everyone should be invested in the vision with total buy-in from the entire company. 


    Investing in your best brand evangelists, that is, your employees, by rewards, kudos, public thanks, etc., is a fantastic way to grow your business’ brand across multiple channels. But, also make sure your training is the best it can be. Keep it updated.

    Look for industry leaders and see what materials you can bring into your organization, then create a system that monitors, engages, and rewards are participating and finishing the different learning modules. Doing so almost guarantees success for employee retention and growth.


    Change agents make tough decisions keeping what’s best for the employees and company in focus. When complaints about change and improvement come rolling in, and they will, management should pay close attention to their department’s leadership and their decisions. 

    If the department leader does not want to upset their teams by moving forward, then your company’s chances of improving are minimal at best. 

    Steadfast resolve for reaching the company’s vision is when you find out what your leadership is made of in your company; from your top-level management down to the team lead. 

    Empower leaders with a system that helps them drive the vision, allowing for kudos, giving rewards to team members for implementing the vision, and meeting other metrics. 


    Employees have different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, so assuming that all the training is the right content and style of training sets you up for failure or at the very least unnecessary frustration.

    To help with this, segment users into different silos, so they get the training that’s the most beneficial to them. Next, provide clear direction about why they are attending training and the expected performance outcomes. The objectives must be reviewed and reiterated. 

    It allows employees to leave training not only with a high mastery & confidence but with enthusiasm to apply what they’ve learned. 


    Applying what you’ve learned to real-world problems takes a lot of practice. So, it is essential to look for opportunities to do so. 

    For example, make a conscious effort to give kudos to the team members who implement one of the unique strategies in the system. 

    Create team discussion boards or email threads where ideas are shared on how to start applying what’s been covered in your training materials. 


    Breaking down work into bite-size portions is the best way to have people to engage. It is also a very effective way to get them to retain. 

    Make the process easier by using multiple video and text training modules to onboard. Training employees through more significant topic modules are effective. 

    When an employee completes one section, enroll them in a quiz. And. later give them kudos plus reward points when they pass it. The entire process of training completion gives them encouragement. 


    Engagement programs for training and micro-learning modules ensure your teams better understand your products/ services and company. 

    This newly trained team will directly translate into better solutions for your clients and increased revenue for your brand. 

    NextBee strives to create full engagement programs that build loyalty, generate referrals, and grow your brand’s ambassadors. 

    Connect with us to boost learning outcomes for companies to increase sales!

Align Your Company, Your Teams, And Your Individual Employees To Foster A Company Culture Rooted In Success.



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