Choosing the right Incentives for Customer Engagement
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • To choose the right incentives, the ones that will engage your target recipient, you have to know a key point – who are your target recipients? 

    The best way to do that is by using your buyer profiles. What motivates them to interact with your company in the first place? What would they like and use in the way of rewards?

    So, first things first, who is your optimal buyer?

    Don’t have a buyer profile for your company? Let’s start there but let’s define a few things first:

    WHAT: A buyer profile is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer. It’s consists of market research and real data about your existing customers.

    WHY: A Buyer Profile provides structure and context for your company. It makes it easier to decide upon content, incentives and determines where to allocate team resources. Overall it helps with any engagement and aligns your efforts for the entire company.

    HOW: Learning about your ideal customer – their challenges, their goals, their demographic information, and so on. Reviewing it can help you create a strategy to attract the most valuable visitors, leads, and customers based on your business.

    Simple Steps to create a Buyer Profile:

    1. Define You

    The first step is defining who you are as a company. You may have a clear understanding of who your company is, but it’s vital to write it out here. It helps gain understanding and creates an alignment within your company once it’s clearly defined and documented.

    Questions to ask can include: 
    • What are our perceived strengths and weaknesses?
    • What are our critical systems and capabilities?

    The goal is to mine the main pieces of information that make your company unique. It will guide the content positioning for overall marketing and sales activities and help ensure any incentives you offer are not out of “budget” for your company.  

    2. Define Your Buyers

    Next, document your buyers using current sales data, social media interaction, discussing interactions the Marketing and Sales Dept. have had, etc. You can follow a framework similar to this:

    • What size is their company? (Number of employees, revenue, customers, etc.)
    • Which industry verticals are ideal and not ideal?
    • Which geographic locations are ideal or not ideal for your product?
    • Are there any other attributes to consider that make your buyer ideal or not?
    • Where do they hang out?
    • What do they read? Both online and offline?
    • What do they search for online?
    Narrowed down crucial information:
    • Typical Roles/Titles of those who buy?
    • Goals/Motivations for buying?
    • Challenges/Pain Points that you solve?
    • What are the best ways to communicate with them?
    B2B companies should also think about:
    • Do they make purchases by impulse?
    • Will they need approval by a committee before making a purchase?
    • How will variables like supplier diversity affect their vendor selection process?
    • Do they seek out referrals?

    Now that you have a clear picture of who the clients are for your company and understand their pain points, their motivations, and how they make purchasing decisions, you can choose the right messaging, actions, and rewards that will get them to engage with you and refer others.

    Developing the Engagement Platform & Choosing Incentives

    Based on the information gathered, we can now develop the overall structure and incentives needed to engage more clients and refer to others that are likely to become customers. 

    You can directly deliver the right activity content, the right way, and with the right motivation. You will now know if the platform participants need role-specific rewards, POS referral codes, printable vouchers, GDPR compatible options, etc.

    It’s a lot of work, and there are still many variables so if you need to consult with Engagement Platform Pros (like us!), grab time on our calendar. 

    How NextBee can help brands to engage their customers?

    We’d use our nearly decade of experience to ensure you’re asking the right questions and are on the right track for using the information. We have created a robust solution that’s virtually guaranteed to succeed.  

    Our USP is listed below:

      • Each of our engagement programs comes with a dedicated Account Manager who can help you organize, develop, and implement an engagement platform
      • Our scalable platform is completely flexible to integrate with any other third-party platform
      • Brands can build successful loyalty program and retention strategies with the help of a thoughtful rewards system

    The techniques mentioned above are proven to be beneficial for companies of all sizes. To know more about how you can implement a robust engagement program, feel free to contact NextBee today! 



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