How to Pull Millennials to your Corporate Alumni Network
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation

    Millennials are the indefinable age bracket that everyone is after these days. Corporate alumni hold the capability to transform the workplaces of tomorrow and ask for more from the organizations that they connect to. They have a great impact on company culture. As millennials account for the greater part in the workforce, it is equally significant for the organizations to consider their requirements seriously.

    So, what actually are the millennials looking forward to you for? They certainly look for growth opportunities. It rather has been found that nearly 76% of millennials take professional development opportunities as the vital elements of any company’s culture. They look forward to coaching, mentoring, and most importantly to be valued for their work in the organization. These days it has become important to provide them the opportunity for their continued engagement with the organization through the means of a corporate alumni network.

    Here we will talk about the development opportunities they still have even when they leave your organization. Below are the few things you must keep into account:

    Content is an Amazing Tool for Millennials

    Along with all the hi-tech advances throughout their life, millennials possess the complete tools and might not ask for more. They look for content and organizations must do every possible thing to provide them with it. Ensure the relevance of the content, its value, and exceptionality to keep them engaged. Besides providing them the content, ask them to provide their own as well. Millennials seek contribution and affiliation, and obviously, expect the same from your corporate alumni network.

    Millennials prefer Moving On

    According to a survey, the employers hold the expectation that nearly 45% of their recently hired college graduates would stay with them for less than two years, and the study demonstrated that by 35 years of age, nearly 25% of the young employees would have switched 5 companies. These stats look a bit fiery to some companies but they can have a more positive approach. They certainly are losing an employee, but at the same time are getting a new corporate alumni network member and he can fetch some amazing benefits to the organization which includes brand encouragement, industry expertise, and even the chance of re-hiring them. So, it’s the time to begin the promotion of your alumni network.

    Don’t Restrict the Millennials

    Millennials are constantly looking for the opportunity offered by you to grow, so don’t restrict them to a box. Assess your corporate alumni program and look for ways to help them with. Consider mentoring or organizing a networking event. Invite their ideas, and try to incorporate them into our system.

    Millennials find Value in Everything

    Rather than considering the value that an employee can provide an organization, take into account the value that the employee gets for being a part of the organization. Your alumni associations can be of a great value to them. Make your employees aware of the benefits. Convince them to be a part of your network.

    Take these things into consideration and see the difference it bring to your organization.

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