How To Manage Your Work During This CoronaVirus Outbreak
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • The pandemic outbreak of coronavirus also called covid-19 has spread its wings of catchability in every country irrespective of the age group. A coronavirus is a group of tiny particles that could be present in animals namely cats, bats, camels, or so and that has been transmitted from any of those animals in humans. 

    Different countries are focusing to detect the root cause and finding the vaccine to cure its effect (which has yet not been found anywhere). Meanwhile, trade and corporations are the ones who have been badly affected after this virus has started creating a mess at large. During this crisis, many employers had asked their employees to work remotely and manage their work from home until the best it’s possible. 

    Let us highlight the major points that must be kept in mind for managing the work during such a pandemic outbreak that has made its home across the geographical boundaries and shows no symptoms of slowing down. 

    • Be in regular touch with colleagues

    As most of the employees are permitted to do work remotely under the immediate effect of doing ‘work from home’ policy, it is recommended for them to stay in touch with everybody working from home. 

    It’s advisable to stay in contact for work reasons as well but more of you will be knowing of each other’s well-being and he or she can get treatment on time. 

    • Update important information to clientele over video calling

    With the recent outbreak of coronavirus, the situation is certainly not in control across the globe. As employees are taking-up work remotely and businesses are shutting down temporarily, some industries still have to operate their operations due to critical official formalities and to maintain transparency with the clients.

    It is better to have all informational discussions with your clientele over video calling such as Skype and other mediums. 

    • Help setting-up infrastructure at sick employees’ home 

    Not every employee is well-equipped with gadgets like a computer or laptop at home or has a high-speed internet facility at home. 

    Employers should assist the employees by setting-up all the necessary infrastructure for those who are working remotely due to the covid-19 outbreak. This becomes essential if the employee is healthy and in condition to take-up the work. 

    • Educate employees online for staying healthy  

    Communication is very pivotal during this fatal outbreak be it your family member, a colleague, or your neighbor.

    Especially, educating remotely working employees is very important as they might not end eating unhealthy and keeping them untidy during sickness. 

    • Identify essential business roles and give special medical coverage

    As businesses are almost giving it a break to operating the trade because most of the countries have called it off for time-being. 

    Of course, everything cannot be gone off completely, some top-most roles need to be taken care of such as the roles of CEO, CXO, CFO, Managing Directors, Country Managers, et cetera.  

    The work at the backend needs to be managed even if such an outbreak has caused a lot of disaster with its severity and heinous nature. Employers must identify these roles and all other important people and spread the word of providing medical coverage to all employees including the junior and executive-level staff. 


    It is true that to fight with COVID-19 outbreak public health officials are already finding to grope with its severity, but it is recommended to help employees working remotely to stay healthy to reduce its exposure and slowing down the spread of the disease. 

    We provide an awareness program with the help of an Employee Preparedness and Coordination Solution so that employers and employees can take the utmost steps to help each other during this situation of crisis.  

    To know more about the Ready for Corona platform (software application), feel free to call us. We would be glad to give an online demo for an in-depth understanding of how the solution works for businesses. 


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