Recommended Strategies for Employers to Counter any Possible Threat from Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • Since January 2020, the media across the globe have been overwhelmed by reports of a deadly novel virus, called coronavirus. The virus is officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, and it has infected more than 110,000 people in the world killing more than 4000 till now.

    Initially, the virus is detected in the Hubei province of China, but now with time it is spreading fast beyond China’s shores and reached other parts of the world. It sparked global anxiety, causing travel ban, remote work, quarantines, and many other precautionary measures.  

    World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a global emergency. Amid this situation, Employers and Entrepreneurs must take the onus to take proper care of their employees and adopt the best strategies that can help to counter any possible threat from Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

    Encourage Employees to Work Remotely 

    Employees who have symptoms of coronavirus are recommended to stay home and work remotely. They are advised not to come to the office until they are free from the illness.  

    Ensure that your company’s sick leave policies are flexible with public health guidance – whether your employees are aware of these policies. 

    If there is an important client meeting or a team meeting, it is recommended to conduct it via video conferencing or phone conference calls. Also, restrict your employees to travel to other countries for business trips or related works. 

    Perform environmental cleaning regularly 

    Keep the workplace clean and properly sanitize all frequently touched surfaces, such as – workstations, countertops, desks, chairs, and doorknobs. Also, it is important to clean the electronic gadgets in the office that your employees often use like – laptops, computers, printers, phones, etc. Use the reliable cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas. Also, provide disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces can be wiped down by employees before each use.

    Use of Software Application to create an awareness program and maintain proper peer coordination in the workplace

    Always be ready for any possible coronavirus emergency in your company by implementing an Employee Preparedness and Coordination Solution that is capable of creating compliance checklists, share important resources related to coronavirus, and also coordinate communication among peers. 

    Empower your employees

    Empower your employees with resources and tools to maintain a safe work environment and best practices Share credible information regarding work conditions, plans and other relevant news in one place where everyone can access. If your employees are working remotely they can also access the platform to avail of all required details regarding the activities going on in the organization.

    Initiate reward and incentive programs

    Start a program to drive engagement through reward programs and encourage your employees to earn badges for finishing checklists, for watching training videos, and for staying informed about evolving situations and safety instructions. 

    Proper synchronization and peer-to-peer coordination 

    Initiate team coordination and connect members to suggest credible resources, share experiences, and continue to maintain a healthy work culture even if your employees are working in remote settings. Use a platform or a robust solution to easily streamline all the related activities. 

    NextBee offers you a turnkey solution, Ready for Corona, through which companies can perform all the above activities on a single platform. The platform has a robust mechanism through which employees can adhere to guidelines set by the company, access & watch important resources, coordinate among team members that will help them to earn rewards, badges, etc. 

    To know more about the solution, feel free to contact us today!

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