Coronavirus – 5 Things You Must Do To Prevent Your Gadgets From Spreading The Lethal Infection
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • The number of coronavirus cases reported from across the globe is increasing at an alarming rate. To contain the COVID-19 (coronavirus), the responsibility lies with everyone.

    About Coronavirus 

    Coronavirus is one of the lethal viruses that typically affect the respiratory tracts of humans. The symptoms are the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which can also lead to death; this is because a proper vaccine is not yet invented to cure the infection.

    Over the last few decades, scientists have found that coronavirus can infect mammals/animals and these animals can transmit coronavirus to humans.

    Take Precautions

    To be careful, one just needs to exercise caution and take preventive measures by keeping up with basic hygiene. While much of the measures are somewhat focused on wearing masks, gloves, and washing hands, it is also important to disinfect personal gadgets like phones, computers, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, etc. on regular basis.

    Renowned Healthcare Organizations have notified from time to time that mobile phones or laptops are proved to be the hotbed for viruses and can carry disease. If your gadgets are contaminated by chance, taking basic precautions would not work.

    Here are the 5 things you must do to prevent your gadgets from spreading the lethal infection:
    •  If you are wearing trousers or similar things, it is advised not to keep your mobile phone and handkerchief in the same pocket. Wear something that has multiple pockets and keep each item separately.
    • Always use earphones or Bluetooth devices for making phone calls. It reduces the chance of the phone touching your face and thereby helps in containing the virus from transferring from the phone to your face.
    • If you are a corporate professional working in an office, do not use common computers or laptops. The same guideline applies in case of using computers in internet cafes. If you still need to use it out of compulsion, it is advised to wear gloves or clean the electronic items properly.  
    • Clean your gadgets regularly – switch off your gadget first, and if your gadget is water-resistant then use soap-water or sanitizer to clean it. Apply an ample quantity of sanitizer to clean every corner. This will help you to stay safe from the virus being spread.
    • Remember to wash your hands always with soap-water after cleaning your gadgets – phones, computers, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, etc. Also, try not to touch someone’s gadgets and resist giving your gadgets to other people.

    If you are a corporate professional working in an organization – is your workplace well-prepared for corona?

    To keep the workplace safe from the virus, it is advisable for the Employers to implement an Employee Preparedness and Coordination Solution that will help companies to share information regarding work conditions, plans and other relevant news in one place where every employee can access.

    The platform will focus on educating employees regarding up to date prevention practices available and recognizing positive and safe workplace behavior. Companies can also drive engagement through reward programs, badges and offering donation credits for employees to finish checklists, for watching training videos, and for staying informed about evolving situations and safety instructions. It offers peer-to-peer coordination for a seamless sharing of resources with team members and continues to maintain a teamwork culture even if they are working in remote settings.

    So what are you waiting for? Check the platform, Ready For Corona, with an online demo today!

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