Companies Encouraging Remote-Work Due To CoronaVirus Outbreak
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • Coronavirus outbreak has been declared as Public Health Emergency of International Concern – Scientists and Medical Experts are still striving to get a cure to this infection, and as reports have surfaced, they have made progress on it.

    Coronavirus is a global phenomenon that has caused immense fear among people. Among the victims, several corporate employees fall prey to coronavirus – it has made all the employers raise their eyebrows. As coronavirus spreads from animal to human, and then from human to human, employers of the organizations are concerned about the dissemination of the disease in the workplace. Thus, they are encouraging their employees to work remotely (work from home).  

    What is CoronaVirus?

    Coronaviruses (CoV) is one of the deadly viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe health problems. A novel coronavirus (nCoV), as it is known, is a new strain that has not been identified in humans previously; and it can transmit between animals and people.  Common symptoms include fever, cough, and breathing difficulties. The effect can be more severe as it can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and even death. 

    How working remotely can prevent the coronavirus from spreading in the workplace?

    This global epidemic can be pushed back only with a collective, coordinated, and comprehensive approach that engages the entire machinery of an organization (company). Let’s discuss how companies can help to prevent coronavirus from spreading in the workplace.

    • Conduct Client Meetings Remotely

    As the fear of coronavirus being spread is on the rise, agencies are restricting their employees from traveling. Be it travel to a client location or a business meeting, or to attend an appointment – asking the employees to use video conferencing or calling is the correct approach rather than risk traveling to Client locations. 

    • Work From Home 

    Companies are also encouraging their employees to work remotely (work from home). With the use of the internet and online tools available, the work can still be done – but the difference is – it is now happening remotely as needed rather than traveling to the office.

    Employees do work with a team or coordinate across departments – working remotely can reduce the human to human contact and thereby block the virus to transmit. At this moment of crisis, this should be the ideal approach.

    Well, this measurement is perhaps not enough. There is also a need to create more awareness in the workplace to help corporate professionals stay away from this deadly virus, and an Employee Engagement Platform can assist you to do so. 

    Preparedness to Face Corona-Challenge in Workplace

    NextBee offers you a turnkey employee preparedness and coordination Solution, Ready for Corona, through which companies can create compliance checklists, share vital resources, and coordinate communication among the employees. The platform has a robust reward and incentive mechanism – the employees can adhere to guidelines set by the company, access & watch important resources, coordinate among team members– which will help them to earn rewards, badges, etc. 

    So working remotely will not be a problem anymore with the help of an engaging platform – you can quickly and easily disseminate company information regarding work conditions, plans and other relevant news in one place where everyone can access.

    To address the impact of Corona at the workplace, feel free to contact us today. We would be glad to assist you. 

Align Your Company, Your Teams, And Your Individual Employees To Foster A Company Culture Rooted In Success.



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