Business Intelligence Mistakes to Avoid for Better Decision Making
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation
  • Let’s face it, business intelligence problems can arise from time to time in the business world. Unfortunately, you can end up making mistakes in the business intelligence world. The good thing about it is that with the right approach and tools, you can learn from those mistakes and implement a much better decision-making process.

    What really matters here is the way you are handling them and how you are constantly pushing the boundaries to really make things work in a clever manner. Just try to use that to your advantage and the results can be incredible.

    Randomly deleted data

    Whether we like it or not, at times systems can delete data automatically. So instead of having a sample size of thousands of people, you just have newer clients and a sample size of hundreds. That’s obviously not always going to work, which is why you will have to adapt and adjust to this approach in order to make it work. You can rest assured that it will work to your own advantage and it will bring in front the type of experience that you really need.

    The problem with a small sample size in the case of business intelligence is that you can’t really make a pertinent decision when you know it will cater only to the new customers. You either need to poll all your clients, or you can wait until you have a much more relevant business intelligence data margin. These are not things that you can do with ease, so you really have to do everything in your power to adapt and adjust in an adequate manner. Just try to use that to your advantage and once you do that correctly it will be well worth the effort all the time, no matter the situation.

    Even if from a business perspective it might make sense to delete data, you shouldn’t really do that. It will just mess things up quite a bit, and that on its own can lead to business issues. The last thing you want is to misunderstand the sample size, so it’s a lot better to leave data the way it is. Granted, it might bring in other issues, but from the business intelligence side of things, you will have a much better result.

    Not choosing a solution that can be scaled or adapted

    You need to realize that your business can grow or it can become smaller, depending on the situation. As a business owner, you need to understand that and right from the start, you want a scalable, adaptable business intelligence system that you can fully customize the way you want. Even if it feels something very easy at first, it can become quite a challenge to use this, especially when you are new. That’s why you must commit to it and you really need to make it work all the time.


    Make sure that you take any possible issue into consideration. Check the legal requirements and security, take even the legacy systems and their integrations into consideration. The more factors you take into account in regards to business intelligence, the better the results that you can get, and that will make a huge difference! We at NextBee can work with you to help you along the way and we are just a click away.

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