How to Start an Employee Reward Program at Your Workplace
Rohit Singh VP of Customer Engagement Schedule Free Consultation

    The organizations are well acquainted with the significance of rewarding the employees. Employee recognition makes them feel valued as they realize that the organization considers them to be an integral part of the company and thus results in lower attrition rates.

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    It has been estimated that the major reason the employees leave their jobs is that they are not appreciated by the organization. This does not keep them motivated.

    So, it is quite important to incorporate an employee reward program at your workplace. Every so often acknowledging the employees for their exceptional work, and rewarding them, boosts their morale and help the business grow.

    Here we bring you 5 fundamental steps to initiate an employee recognition program:

    Identify Why You Want to Implement an Employee Recognition Program

    It is essential to realize the need for implementing the employee recognition program in your organization. Is it to reinforce the morale among the employees or any other specific purpose?  Take into account your company’s values before bringing it into practice.

    Try to make out the behaviors you aim to reinforce? Do you want to show up those exhibiting great leadership?  Or you want to bring forward the one who goes out of the way to do his job. So, it is necessary to know the reason for the program’s implementation.

    Determine the Eligibility Requirements for Your  Employee Recognition Reward

    The employees always want to know how to score better. So, you must pre-decide how frequently you are going to acknowledge the deserving employee.  The factors might include:

    • Does it go for part-time or full time or interns?
    • Is it possible for the same employee to get the reward more than once?
    • Are the employees involved in the selection process eligible for the reward?
    How Will You Select Your Candidate?

    It is essential to decide on how to decide upon the winner. Firstly, make out how to bring the employee to notice? If it’s through some nomination they make out what things need to be taken into account. Secondly, make out how to choose from the pool of employees. Who will hold the final decision? What kind of rating criteria will be involved, etc.?  So, deciding upon the selection process is important.

    Select Your Award

    Decide upon the kind of employee recognition award you will recognize the employee with? Is it going to be only a certificate, a trophy, or is it going to be a larger award?  There are organizations that give gift cards. Whatever is the gift, it must be meaningful to the employees. This makes the employees feel valued for the work they are doing.

    Announce the Program and Get it Started

    Finally, you must make your team know about your employee recognition program.  Announce it during a team conference or meeting followed by the email containing the details. Tell your employees about the first nomination period. This surely is going to make the employees excited.

    These are the essential steps to outing in place your employee recognition program. Create a program that completely fits your business culture. A regular employee recognition program is certainly going to help you and make your employees stick back to your company.

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